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Home » Understanding Bitcoin’s Merkle Trees Basics

Understanding Bitcoin’s Merkle Trees Basics

An In-Depth Tutorial with Linux CLI Scripts for Simplified Merkle Root Creation in Blockchain Technology

by BiTux
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Bitcoin uses a structure known as a Merkle Tree to summarize all the transactions in a block. This structure allows for efficient and secure verification of large data sets, like transactions in a blockchain. A Merkle Tree is a binary tree where each leaf node is a hash of a transaction and each non-leaf node is a hash of its child nodes.

Basic Concept

  1. Transactions: In a block, each transaction is first hashed.
  2. Leaf Nodes: These hashes become the leaf nodes of the Merkle Tree.
  3. Parent Nodes: Each pair of leaf nodes is then hashed together to form the parent nodes. This process continues recursively until there is only one hash.
  4. Merkle Root: The final single hash is known as the ‘Merkle Root’. This root is a representation of all the transactions in the block.

Merkle root creation diagram

Steps for creating a Merkle Root in the context of Bitcoin mining. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the above diagram:

  1. Start: Transaction List: The process begins with a list of all transactions that are to be included in the new block.

  2. Pair Transactions: Transactions are paired together. If there is an odd number of transactions, the last transaction may be duplicated to create a pair. A Merkle Tree is a binary tree, which means each parent node should have two children. This structure is necessary for the recursive hashing process that leads to the Merkle Root.

  3. Create Leaf Nodes: Each transaction in the pair is hashed using a cryptographic hash function (SHA-256 in the case of Bitcoin). These hashes are the leaf nodes of the Merkle Tree.

  4. Pair Leaf Nodes: The leaf nodes (hashes of transactions) are then paired together to move up the tree. This step is repeated recursively.

  5. Hash Pairs to Form New Nodes: Each pair of leaf nodes is hashed together to form a new node. These new nodes are one level up in the tree from the leaf nodes.

  6. More than One Node?: This decision node checks if there is more than one node left. If yes, the process of pairing and hashing continues. If there is only one node left, this means that the Merkle Root has been found.

  7. Final Node is Merkle Root: When only one node remains, it is the Merkle Root, which is a single hash that represents all of the transactions in the block.

  8. End: Merkle Root Created: The creation of the Merkle Root is complete, and it will be included in the block’s header. This root hash is critical for the integrity of the blockchain as it ensures all transactions in the block are unaltered and accounted for.

In Bitcoin mining, the Merkle Root is used in the block header, which miners then hash in an attempt to find a hash that meets the network’s difficulty target. Finding such a hash validates the block, and the miner is rewarded with newly minted bitcoins and transaction fees. The Merkle Root ensures that the integrity of the transactions is maintained, and any attempt to alter a transaction would result in a different Merkle Root, signaling that something has been tampered with.

Basic Illustrative Example using SHA-256

This example demonstrates a very simplified version of Merkle Tree creation using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. Note that this is for illustration only and differs from the actual process in Bitcoin.


  • A Linux environment
  • SHA-256 utility (usually pre-installed)

Example Merkle root Bash script

Example using SHA-256 to generate Merkle Root with Bash script

# Hash individual transactions
tx1=$(echo -n "Transaction 1" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
tx2=$(echo -n "Transaction 2" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)

# Combine and hash to get the Merkle Root
merkle_root=$(echo -n "$tx1$tx2" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)

# Output the Merkle Root
echo "Merkle Root: $merkle_root"



  1. Hash Transactions: First, individual transactions are hashed. Here, “Transaction 1” and “Transaction 2” are examples.
  2. Concatenate Hashes: The hashes of these transactions (tx1 and tx2) are concatenated.
  3. Hash Concatenated Value: This concatenated string is then hashed to produce the Merkle Root.
  4. Output: The script outputs the Merkle Root.


  1. Save the script in a file, for example, merkle_root.sh.
  2. Make the script executable: chmod +x merkle_root.sh.
  3. Run the script: ./merkle_root.sh.

Merkle root example with sha256


This tutorial provides a basic understanding of how Merkle Trees are used in Bitcoin to efficiently summarize transaction data. The actual implementation in Bitcoin is more complex, but this example gives a foundational understanding of the concept.


1. What is a Merkle Tree?

A Merkle Tree is a data structure used in computer science to organize hash values of individual data blocks, which allows for efficient and secure verification of large data sets.

2. Why is the Merkle Root important in Bitcoin?

The Merkle Root is crucial in Bitcoin because it summarizes all the transactions in a block, ensuring data integrity and security, and is used for block verification during the mining process.

3. Can you explain the hashing process in Merkle Trees?

In a Merkle Tree, transactions are hashed, the hashes are paired and hashed again, and the process repeats until a single hash, the Merkle Root, remains.

4. How does the Merkle Tree affect blockchain security?

The Merkle Tree ensures that any change in the transaction data would result in a different Merkle Root, making it infeasible to alter transaction data without detection.

5. Is the Merkle Root unique for every block?

Yes, since the transactions in every block are unique, the resulting Merkle Root is also unique for each block.

6. What happens if there is an odd number of transactions in a block?

If there is an odd number of transactions, the last transaction is duplicated to create a pair, ensuring that each level of the tree is complete.

7. How do miners use the Merkle Root?

Miners include the Merkle Root in the block’s header and hash it along with other components to find a valid block hash that meets the network’s difficulty target.

8. What hashing algorithm does Bitcoin use for the Merkle Tree?

Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm for creating Merkle Trees and other cryptographic operations.

9. Can a Merkle Tree be used for non-financial data?

Yes, Merkle Trees are not limited to financial data and can be used to verify any type of data set that requires integrity checks.

10. What is a Merkle Path?

A Merkle Path is the sequence of hashes that must be provided to verify the inclusion of a transaction without needing the entire blockchain.

11. How do Merkle Trees save space?

Merkle Trees allow for the compression of transaction data into a single hash, the Merkle Root, which is all that is required to verify the integrity of the entire set of transactions.

12. Does each transaction have a unique path in the Merkle Tree?

Yes, each transaction has a unique path of hashes leading up to the Merkle Root, which can be used for verification purposes.

13. How often is the Merkle Root created?

A new Merkle Root is created for every new block, which occurs approximately every 10 minutes in the Bitcoin network.

14. What role does the Merkle Root play in the immutability of the blockchain?

The Merkle Root contributes to the immutability of the blockchain by securely linking a specific set of transactions to a block, making retroactive changes virtually impossible.

15. Can the Merkle Root be reverse-engineered to find the original transactions?

No, due to the one-way nature of hash functions, it is not feasible to reverse-engineer the Merkle Root to find the original transaction data.

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